The Kellar Family

Serving in Iceland

Dale and Linnea Kellar are engaged in long-term missions work in Reykjavík, Iceland. They are partnering with a church planting network called The Iceland Project which seeks to establish healthy, biblically-minded local congregations throughout the nation. They currently participate in the ministry of Loftstofan Baptistakirkja (Upper Room Baptist Church) while they continue to receive ministerial training and cultural acclamation. The Kellars are also studying at the University of Iceland pursuing certification in Icelandic as a second language. They hope to be a catalyst for raising up pastors and church planters in Iceland, aiding in the strength and maturity of local congregations throughout the nation and the evangelism of the lost in their community.


Dale completed his Masters of Theological Studies at Reformed Baptist Seminary and Linnea previously worked as a Physical Therapist Assistant. Dale and Linnea have been married since 2017 and they have four wonderful children: Cedar, Zion, Avonlea and Isla. The Kellars are joyfully sent out by Five Points Community Church in Auburn Hills, MI.


Please pray for and with the Kellar family:

  • That the spiritual darkness of Iceland would be permeated by the light of the gospel.

  • That the existing community of believers in Iceland would be unified and strengthened to persevere and multiply.

  • That God would continue to send strategic laborers to help encourage and build up the church in Iceland.

  • That we would be a witness in word and deed to a community that views Christianity as a relic of the past.
    That we would have the ability to form long-lasting relationships with those whom God brings into our lives.

  • That our family would be faithful in the midst of hardships and joyfully pursue God's direction for the ministry we are engaged in.