Last Weeks Service

9-1-24 Worship Service Livestream “Jeremiah – Seeking God’s Will” Jeremiah 42:1-43:7


8-25-24 Worship Service Livestream “OBEDIENCE” Jeremiah 35:1-19

8-21-24 Worship Service Livestream “THE LORD’S PROMISES”, Jeremiah 33:1-11.

8-11-24 Worship Livestream “God’s New Covenant”, Jeremiah 31:31-34; 32:36-41

8-4-24 Worship Livestream “Be Transformed”, Romans 12:1-2.


7-28-24 Worship Livestream “Jeremiah - God’s Future Plan for His People”, Jeremiah 29:1-14.

7-21-24 Worship Service Livestream “Jeremiah – The Righteous Branch”, Jeremiah 23:1-8

7-14-24 Worship Service Livestream “Jeremiah – Two Ways to Live”, Jeremiah 17:5-8

7-7-24 Worship Service Livestream “Jeremiah – “It’s Who You Know That Matters”, Jeremiah 9:23-24


6-30-24 Worship Service Livestream Associate Pastor Aaron “Serving Angels at my Table! Growing in the Grace of Hospitality”, Hebrews 13:2, Matthew 25:31-46.

6-23-24 Worship Service Livestream “Jeremiah – “The Temple Sermon”, Jeremiah 7:1-15, 21-26

6-16-24 Worship Service Livestream “Look for The Ancient Paths”, Jeremiah 5:1-3; 6:14-20

6-9-24 Worship Service Livestream “Remember Your First Love” Jeremiah 2:1-8, 35; 3:12-18

6-2-24 Worship Service Livestream “Jeremiah’s Call” Jeremiah 1:1-19


5-26-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – Christ Alone” John 14:1-6; Acts 4:11-12

5-19-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – Future Things” Matthew 24:29-31, 36-44; Acts 1:11

5-12-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – Baptism” Romans 6:1-5; Matthew 28:19-20

5-5-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – The Lords Supper” 1 Corinthians 11:23-34


4-28-24 Worship Service Livestream Associate Pastor, Aaron Cavanaugh “Guarding and Restoring the Health of the Church”, Galatians 6:1-2, Matthew 18:15-20, 1 Corinthians 5:1-13

4-7-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs –The Church” Part 1, Matthew 16:13-20

4-14-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – Church” Part 2, Acts 2:37-47

4-21-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – Church” Part 3, Ephesians 1:22-23, 2:19-22, 5:25-27


3-3-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – The Holy Spirit” Part 4, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; 27-31

3-10-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – Salvation” Part 1, Genesis1:26-28, 31; 2:15-17; 3:1-24; Romans 5:12-14

3-17-24 Worship Service Livestream - Gary Clatterbuck Missions Conference

3-24-24 Worship Service Livestream - Palm Sunday & Child Dedication “Basic Christian Beliefs – Salvation” Part 2, Ephesians 2:1-10

3-29-24 Worship Service Livestream - Associate Pastor Aaron Cavanaugh - Good Friday ““Life-Giving Last Words” Luke 23:33-49, John 19:26-30

3-31-24 Worship Service Livestream - Resurrection Day “Resurrection Hope” 1 Peter 1:3-5


2-4-24 Worship Service Livestream - Associate Pastor Aaron Cavanaugh “Angels in Awe: God’s Glory in the Church” 1 Peter 1:12; Acts 2:41-42

2-11-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – The Holy Spirit” Part 1, John 14:15-27   

2-18-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – The Holy Spirit” Part 2, John 16:5-15

2-25-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – The Holy Spirit” Part 3, Galatians 5:16-26


1-7-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – God” Part 3, Exodus 15:11; Jeremiah 9:24; 2 John 1:1-3.

1-14-24 Worship Service Livestream   “Basic Christian Beliefs – God the Son - Christ” Part 1, John 1:1-2, 14; Luke 1:31-25

1-21-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – God the Son - Christ” Part 2, Colossians 1:15-23

1-28-24 Worship Service Livestream “Basic Christian Beliefs – God the Son - Christ” Part 3, Hebrews 1:1-3, 4:14; Matthew 2:1-3